Living lightly on the land was not just vital to Kona Village’s redevelopment; it was a pledge to the lineal descendants of Kaʻūpūlehu. A vibrant example of Rosewood Sustains, the resort is one of the largest privately owned microgrids in the state, using 100% solar power provided by over 8,000 solar panels on two acres. Kona Village, A Rosewood Resort also has a zero-waste initiative with a reverse osmosis and wastewater treatment plants on-site, thus cementing the resort as a leader in green hospitality.
Join Lauren Nakoa, Director of Sustainability, in exploring the beauty, history, and importance of preservation for some of the resort’s most treasured sites, from the petroglyphs to the fishponds.
Upholding the Rosewood Sustains philosophy and honoring the treasured environment in which we operate, Kona Village is proud to have established relationships and collaborations with several local organizations for the protection and revitalization of our island, animals, and resources.
A collaborative effort between local families, fishermen, and the Kaʻūpūlehu Marine Life Advisory Committee, this community-based plan seeks to restore marine resources and ensure that traditional, subsistence, and cultural fishing practices are sustained within Kaʻūpūlehu by resting a 3.6-mile stretch of coastline from Kalaemanō to Kikaua Point.
Endangered and rare, the monk seal relies on conservation efforts for its survival. Kona Village is proud to provide Ke Kai Ola, the only hospital for monk seals, with live tilapia from the resort fishpond to help with training the rehabbing babies how to catch and eat live fish – a skill that dramatically affects their release time.